Writers block – and trying to find my ‘style’

Hello friends,

I have been struggling a lot lately with writers block. A lot, lot, lot. As an aspiring filmmaker, writing is clearly a very essential part of filmmaking- as that is the basis of your film! But when it comes to thinking of even a simple storyline, I’m completely stuck. Even if on the odd chance that the stars aline perfectly and I manage to fumble together an idea, very rarely is it original. Obviously, people are influenced by other peoples work, as we learn and grow off other people and other things. That is fine. However, the best ideas I always come up with have already been done- way better than I could have ever done them! I am constantly having doubts about my ability as a filmmaker, thinking ‘am I good enough?’ and ‘will I ever make it?’, and I’m a firm believer in ‘if you want it badly enough, you can get it” but, it is hard when you are constantly comparing yourself to cinemas greatest, like Kubrick and Hitchcock. All the great directors have their own style of filming as well. When you watch a Kubrick film, you know you are watching a Kubrick film. However, I don’t know what my style necessarily is yet. I know which films I enjoy watching, and I guess that is the basis of your style. Your style should be a somewhat reflection of yourself, and what you enjoy (whilst maintaining originality.) Although I’m not much of a writer (I prefer the visual aspect) I am still trying to write my own script. I want to push myself to do something out of my comfort zone, and hopefully come out the other side better off for it. In terms of my own work, very rarely am I satisfied. I am constantly thinking of how I can improve, and ‘it would be better if….’, but every filmmaker has a fair amount of growing to do. A flower doesn’t start off as a flower. It starts as a seed, and with the right nutrients, water and sunlight, it grows to be a beautiful plant. Simon Cade (DSLRguide) summed it up perfectly in one of his videos (linked below). He essentially talks about the discontentment that artists struggle with, and that without the low points, there would be no (worthwhile) high points-that the end result will be more rewarding. This video particularly stuck with me. It forced me out of my rut and straight back into filmmaking mode. Filmmaking is my passion, and its what I want to do as my career for the rest of my life. Although its very difficult, stressful, overwhelming and at times frustrating- it is so very rewarding when you have even the slightest success. So, I will continue to write and create, and I hope to take you with me on my filmmaking journey.

L x